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A member registered Aug 31, 2019

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You didn't include the horrific suffocation animations, 0/10. (/s) 

But I do like that you fixed the attachment point for the chain!

It can be a little frustrating when you get swung into unavoidable incorrect letters when they switch, but otherwise, great game!

I'm pretty sure you still have the world record for Worm Adventure 2 (I haven't even beaten it yet).  Congratulations on making a commercial game!

I found a weird bug where two cards could show up at once with one in front of the other.  Both cards seemed to do what they were supposed to though.  I think it happened because my mouse is wearing out, and it would quickly grab and ungrab the card while I was swiping, and it seemed to confuse the game.

Oh, thanks.  I was viewing the page through the itch desktop app.  Apparently it just doesn't work there.  Thank you.

I haven't been able to run this game.  When I try to launch it through the itch desktop app, it just displays a black screen, and when I try to run index.html in a web browser, it shows a screen with two green squares.